You think you’re having a hard time this Christmas? Spare a thought for Santa

If everyone is to be believed Christmas this year is already becoming a disaster. Mothers and chefs around the world are running around like headless chickens working out ways of making sure the turkey does not become dry and the stuffing remains as moist as possible. Supermarket trolleys are being filled to the extent that [Continue Reading…]

Employees Are There to Make You Money – Thousands of Dollars In Fact

We sometimes forget this. The only reason I have a team of people is because I think I will make money out of the team. We also have a team because we think they will do the job we want them to do. Yes over the years your team will become your friends and I [Continue Reading…]

Don’t lose a Ferrari or A House through the Back Door

Every business has some form of leakage. Even my own. All business people know this, but sometimes it is just too hard to fix. You see, if we knew how big the leakage is we might start crying like a baby and actually do something about it. So here are a few questions for you [Continue Reading…]

Find the Right Advisor & Make $100,000

Before I start where I left off last week, I need to clear something. You see last week I suggested that a number of attendees at my seminar may not have taken action. This it seems may have upset a few people. I received a few emails explaining they had taken action and one person [Continue Reading…]

Is Your Business A Pushbike? Here’s How To Become An Aston Martin …

A couple of weeks ago I wanted to prove a point at one of my seminars so I jumped onto Google and typed the words ‘Advice Business Growth’ and was astonished at the number of results I got. In 0.48 seconds Google told me there were 330 Million (yes you are reading correctly) page articles [Continue Reading…]

Is Your Reputation What You Want On Google?

In the good old days when Google and Facebook was not invented your reputation was based on what people thought of your business and who they told. Who they told was based on who their friends or colleagues were. If they were popular they might have a bigger circle, but in the whole scheme of [Continue Reading…]

What has Traffic Control Got to do With My Business? More Than You Might Think!


Inefficiencies drive me nuts. We have a rule in our office. If it is inefficient we change it. Immediately. Inefficiencies mean more cost and wasted energy – to us and ultimately to the end customer. The problem is that sometimes it is staring us in the face, but we either ignore it or refuse to [Continue Reading…]

Will You be Saying – ‘Yes! We had a Great Strategy!’ Or ‘Crap We Messed That One Up!’

As a business growth strategist it is not unusual for me to see excited businesses jumping up and down about an opportunity or new direction it is about to undertake. They may have undertaken a SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities & Threats) analysis where management and team have come up with a great idea and everyone [Continue Reading…]

Lack of Cashflow?– Prepare for a Heart Attack!


When I discuss cashflow issues, losses and profits with many of my clients I usually try to put things into perspective. You see, if a business makes losses it can continue to do so for a number of years. A business can be profitable and still run out of money – and that is a [Continue Reading…]

Gold Coast Bookkeeping Service An Alternative For Success in Business

Testimonials Computer Key Showing Recommendations And Tributes Online

Bookkeeping is the task of keeping financial records. Most people may think that bookkeeping is a simple task. It is important for all companies to keep track of all your income and expenses, and ensure that they are regularly updated. Gold Coast Bookkeeping is one aspect of the business that is really long and unwieldy. [Continue Reading…]